Eternal Land - Perimeter of the Eternal Land

Eternal Land
Perimeter of the Eternal Land

Objective: The starting point for all commanders in Eternal Land. Expand the area by building Alliance Fortresses, building Power Stations and taking over buildings held by the Dark Troops.

Getting Started
There is NO limitation to the number of alliances who can come into the Eternal Land starting sector however, that is the only liberty that the game allows there. Do not underscore the fact that this is an elimination round style event. 

Each sector that opens beginning with Gate 1 relys on there being 1 less victor at the end of each round. To progress past gate 1 you must control 1 or 4 gates. If 10 alliances join you have to eliminate them or come to an accord so that your alliance holds at least one gate.

Progressing past Gate 2 you must control 1 of 3 gates.

Progressing past Gate 3 you must control 1 of 2 gates.

With that being said there is plenty of room to allow other alliances to participate if you come to an agreement ahead of time so that any who wish can participate and collect rewards as well. I am not going to get into specifics but you should be able to figure it out by continued reading here.

Alliance Fortresses
Can only be placed by rank 4 and 5 alliance members.

You can place up to 3. BEFORE you place your first one make sure the location is good. If you place your first fortress in the wrong or bad location YOU CANNOT MOVE IT UNTIL A SECOND ONE IS COMPLETELY BUILT there must always be one fully undamaged, fully built fortress available before you can remove one.
If the fortress you want to move is damaged it must be repaired to 100% before it can be demolished.

If you destroy a Fortress to move it you will have to rebuild it, unlike the home server it does not come back fully built when you place it again.

Power Stations
Can only be placed by rank 4 and 5 alliance members.

These act as extenders for your alliance fortress and are used to expand your territory. They require amethyst to build and in case of attack, to repair.
Before you begin placing these read the resource collection section.

How to place a power station:
Open your Alliance menu and look for the Alliance territory section.
Once you open this menu click the Power Station tab at the top.
Click Build to place your power stations in the map.
Be aware that the cost of placing power stations increases over time. I noted that after 22 were placed at 500 each it jumped up to 1,000 each.

Resource Collection
This is central to your ability to collect Amethyst. Bring your mechanical masters to the party and put them to work.

You want to make sure that you are using you best planners setting down your Fortresses and Power Stations, they need to ultimately cover the resource tiles you are going to be farming as soon as possible.

As much as possible make sure that you are farming from grain silos, oil rigs, and gold mines that have been built by your mechanics. Doing so from these locations increases your collection rates which means you will gain Amethyst faster.

You will start out with 7,000 in your Alliance pool.

Three Collection Methods:
Aggregate: As long as people are farming in Alliance territory it will get added automatically into the Alliance pool.

Final Resource Collection: At the end of the resource collection camp there is additional Amethyst that is awarded.

Amethyst balance prior to resource collection ending
Farming report
Final Amethyst balance, the slight discrepancy is the continued aggregate gains
There are a few quests that will award you  token amounts of amethyst.

Earning Points in Eternal Land
There are three different of points here. 
1. Individual Honor
Kill Dark Mecha and Dark Guards
2. Alliance Honor
Hold any of the prexisting buildings in Eternal Land. You do not need to have troops reinforced inside these buildings simply maintaining them under your control ensures you have the bonuses they provide.
3. Warzone Honor
This is accumulated by the actions of everyone from all servers in Eternal Land.

📌For the sake of clarity in this next section holding the building means maintaining it under your control, you do not need troops inside of them as long as you are not defending it from attacks after they are under your control. The bonuses they provide are latent and will affect you as long as they are under your control.

Expedition Outpost
Holding these buildings will provide you with additional bonuses, namely an increase in resource collection for Amethyst which will be needed to repair or construct your buildings.

Expedition Base
After taking over this base you can rebuild it. The first alliance that takes over the Expedition Base will get a one time reward.

in order to rebuild the expedition base after you capture it you will have to complete three tasks. More details on this later.

Level 1 Gate
Your territory must be expanded to one or all of the gates by the time it is available to be attacked in order to proceed further into the Eternal Land. Similar to SvS you must be connected to the territory to move to it.

In total there are 4 Expedition Outposts, 1 Expedition Base and 4 Level 1 gates that you want to include in your territory.

Ready, Set, Go!
You clicked enter the Eternal Land and the game relaunched. You have been placed randomly into your sector on a separate server. Alliance teleport requests will not work at this time you must teleport manually.
You have 48 hours to build now split into two parts. During this phase you can be scouted by players from other servers but you CANNOT be attacked by them. The only people who can potentially attack you are the other alliances from your own server.

The First 24 Hours
Build your alliance Fortress and start placing your power stations. Once your fortress is complete it extends a border, this border is where you will connect your power stations by placing them so their borders touch. Work your way placing power stations towards the buildings in your sector. Remember amethyst is key to everything here so remember to include resource fields in your initial placements to get the ball rolling on collection.

At this junction there is NO reason to save your energy. Focus on these things listed in relative order of importance:

Decide how many of your marching queues you want to dedicate to each activity.

Spend your energy, Kill Dark Troops (in Eternal Land they are Dark Mech) and Dark Guards.

Send your troops to help build alliance buildings, power stations and fortresses.

Collect resources, this is important to expanding your territory.

There are a few quests you can complete to get you a jumpstart:
Click the Eternal Land icon for additional tasks to compete for rewards, the list is long, scroll through the three tabs under Expedition Achievements to see everything available.
Ready, Set, Go! Part II
The Second 24 Hours
During this phase you can be scouted by players from other servers but you CANNOT be attacked by them. The only people who can potentially attack you are the other alliances from your own server.

By this point your territory boundaries should be touching the buildings that are going to become available for conquest mentioned at the beginning of this guide.

Once the timer ends conquer the buildings on the birds eye view of the map they will change colors indicating they are ready for action
No additional actions are required when conquering the outposts however, the Expedition Base requires some work and you will be met with three tasks.

Rebuild the Expedition Base
Task 1: Ruins
Donate 50,000 of Oil, Food or 10 gems (10 gems is = to 50,000 resource donation.

Task 2: Killing

Kill Dark Troops and Guards and gain rewards for each 10 of the same kill.

Task 3: Heroes
I bet you thought there would never be a use for all those extra hero shards you collected! Well now is your time to get rid of them and gain some exciting treasure at the end.

First things first, the total donation required to complete this task is 200,000 points, IGNORE this, you will cap out almost immediately. Donate anyway and focus on the bar at the bottom your individual 100,000 points. Once you have donated the max you will no longer be able to.

How do I donate?
Select a hero, for this example I am using O'Neil and then click the donate button and this menu will pop-up
Use the slider to select the amount you want to donate.
Blue Hero donation is 40 points
Purple Hero donation is 200 points
Gold Hero is donation 1,000 points

Click donate when you are ready and you will see this screen:
Now you have your 100,000 points and can't donate anymore, what do you do now? Now you go shopping!
On the hero screen click on the Expedition Exchange button
You will get sent to the Reconstruction Redeption Event Store

Continue killing Dark Troops as you see fit but remember, your first taste of battle opens when the timer on this gate ends. Continue collecting resources for Amethyst. You will need lots for the next phase of Eternal Land.

That's it, you've almost completed 48 hours of rush building and collecting resources but don't leave yet, you may be done with the Perimeter of the The Eternal Land but the gate is still counting down. 

Are you ready?

📍 note, the buildings in Eternal Land appear to lock down every 12 hours. This is important because if you are sharing the buildings to allow other participating alliances to gain alliance honor it will lock down to them if you do not take it back under your control. If you are the alliance with the best chance of winning this will hinder your resource collection efforts.

📌Today 22 Jan 2021: just wanted to leave a note that this guide/saga will remain incomplete at this point. When I started the series on Eternal Land it was with the intention of competing to the end but this event is a long drawn out guns firing on all cylinders event that is heavily skewed towards players at the highest levels. If you play anything like FFXI or World of Warcraft this event in comparison would be considered End Game activities. I hope this guide was useful and it helps further your exploits, there will be no further updates to it.

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