
Showing posts with the label Eternal Land

Tierra Eterna - Per铆metro de la Tierra Eterna

馃嚭馃嚫 Read this in English 馃搶 AVISO 馃搶 Esta publication esta incompleta, se actualiza en unos dias. Tierra Eterna Per铆metro de la Tierra Eterna Objetivo: El punto de partida para todos los comandantes en Tierra Eterna. Expande el 谩rea construyendo Fortalezas de la Alianza, construyendo Centrales El茅ctricas y tomando el control de los edificios de las Tropas Oscuras. Empezando NO hay limitaci贸n en la cantidad de alianzas que pueden ingresar al sector inicial de Tierra Eterna, sin embargo, esa es la 煤nica libertad que el juego permite all铆. No subraye el hecho de que este es un evento estilo ronda eliminatoria. Cada sector que se abre comenzando con la Puerta 1 depende de que haya 1 vencedor menos al final de cada ronda. Para avanzar m谩s all谩 de la puerta 1, debe controlar 1 o 4 puertas. Si se unen 10 alianzas, debes eliminarlas o llegar a un acuerdo para que tu alianza tenga al menos una puerta. Pasando la puerta 2, debes controlar 1 de las 3 puertas. Progresando m谩s all谩 de

Eternal Land - Perimeter of the Eternal Land

馃嚜馃嚫 Lea esto en Espa帽ol Eternal Land Perimeter of the Eternal Land Objective: The starting point for all commanders in Eternal Land. Expand the area by building Alliance Fortresses, building Power Stations and taking over buildings held by the Dark Troops. Getting Started There is NO limitation to the number of alliances who can come into the Eternal Land starting sector however, that is the only liberty that the game allows there. Do not underscore the fact that this is an elimination round style event.  Each sector that opens beginning with Gate 1 relys on there being 1 less victor at the end of each round. To progress past gate 1 you must control 1 or 4 gates. If 10 alliances join you have to eliminate them or come to an accord so that your alliance holds at least one gate. Progressing past Gate 2 you must control 1 of 3 gates. Progressing past Gate 3 you must control 1 of 2 gates. With that being said there is plenty of room to allow other alliances to participate if y

Eternal Land Debriefing II

馃嚜馃嚫 Lea esto en Espa帽ol Pre-Expedition This is the preliminary phase before servers actually enter the eternal land.  This phase last 4 days and has 3 different stages.  Stage 1 - Players to kill dark troops for shards (7 different kinds) which are used when all 7 are collected get traded in for points.  Stage 2 - Players donate troops and will receive points based on troop level. Troops are lost and cannot be recovered (not demoted) when donated .  Stage 3 - Players kill warhammers to receive points ( joining rallies reward points also ) At the end of stage 3 all server cumulative points are added up to achieve server ranking which will dictate server buff received when entering eternal land. Once you're in eternal land you will need to occupy all your server's expedition bases to gain honor points.  To get a foothold in eternal land you first need to establish territory which is done by constructing an alliance fortress (alliances are allowed 3 max).  Once an alliance fortre

Tierra Eterna - Antes de la Expedici贸n, Etapa 3

馃嚭馃嚫 Read this in English Antes de la Expedici贸n Etapa 3 - Preparaci贸n Completa Objetivo: Matar a Warhammer-4k para ganar puntos y completa tareas para ganar recompensas. Como participar Comienza o 煤nete a una batalla de Warhammer-4k. Ganas 1 punto por participar en 茅l. Este evento tiene una duraci贸n de 24 horas desde que comienza. Esta es la etapa final de Antes de la Expedici贸n. Prep谩rese para la teletransportaci贸n al servidor de Tierra Eterna al finalizar. Listo para la Tierra Eterna: Per铆metro de la Tierra Eterna

Eternal Land - Pre-Expedition, Stage 3

馃嚜馃嚫 Lea esto en Espa帽ol Pre-Expedition Stage 3 - Ultimate Arms Race Objective: Kill Warhammer-4k to earn points, complete tasks to earn additional rewards. How to Participate Start or join a Warhammer-4k battle. You earn 1 point for participating in it. This event lasts for 24 hours from when it starts. This is the Final stage for Pre-Expedition. Prepare for teleportation to the Eternal Land server at the conclusion of it. Ready for Eternal Land - Perimeter of the Eternal Land

Eternal Land - Pre-Expedition, Stage 2

馃嚜馃嚫 Lea esto en Espa帽ol Pre-Expedition Stage 2 - The Sentries Objective: Donate troops to earn points and complete tasks to earn rewards. Important The minimum level of troop you can donate is equal to your level. If you are level 50 you cannot donate troops that are under level 50 ⚠️YOUR TROOPS WILL BE REMOVED FROM YOUR BASE⚠️ How To Donate Troops Click the + to open the troop donation menu. After you do this you will can select the type of troop you want to donate, click on confirm one you have made a selection. Next you can select the quantity to donate Once this is done you return to the beginning screen and finally select the Button to "Donate Advanced Troops" ‼️ONCE YOU CLICK DONATE THESE TROOPS ARE PERMANENTLY GONE. YOU WILL NOT GET THEM BACK‼️ Points Per Troop Troop Donation Points per each individual troop donated can be seen on the troop selection screen when you are donating. It will show you

Tierra Eterna - Antes de la Expedici贸n, Etapa 1

馃嚭馃嚫  Read this in English Antes de la Expedici贸n Etapa 1 - Secreto de la Tierra Eterna Este evento comienza en su servidor dom茅stico. Mata a las tropas oscuras en el mapa para recolectar cajas de inteligencia de la Legi贸n Oscura. Cuando los haya recopilado, puede abrirlos seleccion谩ndolos en su inventario. Cuando abras estos, recibir谩s una variedad de piezas de rompecabezas que se ven as铆 Cuando haya recopilado la combinaci贸n correcta, se iluminar谩 un bot贸n que dice "Recopilar Informaci贸n". Al hacer clic en ese bot贸n, obtendr谩 un cuadro de recompensa que se ve as铆: El n煤mero que ganes depende de cu谩ntas combinaciones de piezas de inteligencia hayas completado. Cada combinaci贸n completada vale 200 puntos. Recompensas de etapa Esta etapa tiene una duraci贸n de 24 horas desde que comienza. Haga clic aqu铆 para  Antes de la Expedici贸n, Etapa 2

Eternal Land - Pre Expedition, Stage 1

馃嚜馃嚫  Lea esto en Espa帽ol Pre-Expedition Stage 1 - The Land Unknown The event begins on your home server. Kill the dark troops on the map to collect Dark Legion Intelligence boxes. Once you have collected enough of these you can open them by selecting them in your inventory. When you do this you will receive a variety of puzzle pieces that look like this When you have collected the right combination a button will light up that says "Gather the Intelligence". Clicking this button will get you a reward box that looks like this: The number you gain depends on how many puzzles you have completed and you can open it immediately if you like. Each completed puzzle is worth 200 points. Stage Rewards This stage lasts for 24 hours. Click here for Pre-Expedition Stage 2