
Mechanical Master

馃嚜馃嚫 Lea esto en espa帽ol (Pendiente) Once you reach level 45 in the game a new building makes itself available and you get to choose a job specialization. Combat Elite or Mechanical Master, in essence these are jobs that complement each other and a good alliance will always have a good balance of both jobs. When deciding which path to follow it is always good to ask yourself "Am I a fighter?" or "Am I a builder?". The answer to that question will help you decide which path to take because Combat Elite is a fighting class and Mechanical Master is a support class. Today we will be talking specifically about: Mechanical Master Mechanical masters can study the resource facility skill which enables you to build resource tiles on the map. After reaching the maximum level of the Mechanical Master path you can choose one of two specialized classes, Great Craftsman or Great Scientist. Preparation: Resources - Everyday when you're done playing send...

Top War Heroes Vol. 1

馃嚜馃嚫 Lea esto en espa帽ol (pendiente) Heroes Make The Game Top War has a variety of heroes to choose from that have the ability to turn even the most ragtag army into a fearsome fighting force. But today's topic is not going to focus on fighting, we're going to take a look at the heroes that are worth having for their abilities that boost other activities in the game. In order to take advantage of any of the Heroes's Exclusive abilities you have to level the hero to at least level 20 to open the equipment slot. Once you can equip their exclusive ability you don't need to ever level them up anymore if you choose not to. Resource Gathering Speed  Ganso Not only is he good for base defense but once you get his Exclusive skill to level three he gets a 15% Gathering Speed bonus. Equip him with additional skills to boost the gathering speed of any particular resource that you're trying to gain for optimal performance. This buff cannot be increased past the 15%. How to obta...

Maximizing Your Decor

馃嚜馃嚫 Lea esto en Espa帽ol (馃毀pendiente) Magic Chest The Magic Chest Building gives you three menus, let's do a quick overview of that. Chest Here you can open the decor boxes you have accumulated or purchase additional decor boxes if you like. The decor bundle menu is also included on this page. Once you have completed a decor theme collection you can obtain additional rewards here. Buff This page shows you all of your accumulated active buff or bonus attributes. You can also access the shield menu from here. Index This page shows you all of the available decor in Top War as well as the highest level you have of each item. For additional information click on a decoration square and it will flip displaying additional details about the bonus it provides. For this example I clicked on the Purple Tile After clicking the Purple Tile in addition to seeing the bonus attributes there is now an additional link "View Details...

Planos en Top War

馃嚭馃嚥 Read this in English Para qu茅 se utilizan los Planos? Deber铆a estar acostumbrado a ver este edificio en Top War ya en este momento porque es posible que venga aqu铆 para trabajar en sus niveles de Supresi贸n o para trabajar en sus Componentes. En el nivel 65, obtienes acceso a una nueva secci贸n dentro de tu edificio del Arsenal. En esta nueva secci贸n que se desbloquea tendr谩s acceso a las siguientes opciones Los planos que recolectes en Top War se utilizar谩n para crear equipos que brinden mejoras masivas a tus diversas ramas militares en el juego. Ejemplos de los tipos de beneficios que puede crear: C贸mo obtenerlos: A: Defensa de la Alianza Este evento del juego Top War es completamente gratuito, no es necesario usar gemas ni gastar dinero. El objetivo aqu铆 es defenderse de las tropas oscuras que atacan la fortaleza de su alianza. Defiende con 茅xito hasta la ola 5 para obtener tus planos.: B: Defensa personal C: Consumo de gemas (Tiend...

Top War - Materiales de Producci贸n, Fabricaci贸n y Configurar de Equipo

馃嚭馃嚫 Read this in English 馃毀 Lea  Planos en Top War Est谩s en el nivel 65 ahora o est谩s estudiando m谩s adelante. Bienvenido de nuevo al edificio del Arsenal (en la foto de arriba). Cubriremos tres temas principales: 1. Fabricaci贸n de Equipos 2. Producci贸n de Materiales 3. Configurar Equipo Para comenzar, seleccione el edificio de su Arsenal y haga clic en la tercera pesta帽a en la parte superior, Equipo, una vez que se abra el men煤. Fabricaci贸n de Equipos En este punto, debe comprender los conceptos b谩sicos de la producci贸n de material, ahora es el momento de comprender por qu茅 estamos produciendo material y c贸mo decidir qu茅 materiales crear. Si a煤n no lo hizo, t贸mese un descanso para leer Planos en Top War y vuelva cuando haya terminado. Una vez que tenga sus Planos, es hora de utilizarlos creando equipos para su Ej茅rcito, Armada y Fuerza A茅rea para darles atributos adicionales. Dentro del edificio del Arsenal, en el men煤 Equipo, hagamos clic en el men煤 Fabr...